CASSELLA, A. (2011). Autism and the interplay of deterministic and quantum information processing in the act of creation. Neuroquantology, 9(2), 271-287.
Autistics’ preference for invariant knowledge and their rejection of change led the author to hypothesize that the ability to preserve known schemes is a necessary but insufficient element for developing the human capacity to solve problems, uncover new truths, and recreate the world. This proposition can be falsified by examining two derivatives. The first one is that autistics’ ability to pass recognition tests arises from an undivided attention and intention that value the truths one recognizes and reject what contradicts that information—similar to the deterministic stance of classical computational logic. The second derivative is that autistics fail false-belief tests because they lack the divided attention and intention that value simultaneously what one knows and what contradicts that knowledge—which is analogous to the ambiguity that surrounds quantum phenomena. Research on autism may lead to an understanding of the interplay of deterministic and quantum information processing in the act of creation.
KEY WORDS: Autism, deterministic information processing, quantum information processing, creativity
CASSELLA, A. (2013). A heuristic view of the neurobiological correlates of classical and quantum neural computing from the perspective of autism. Neuroquantology, 11(2), 314-331.
Anomalies in the discourse of autistic individuals and in their performance in ambiguous situations suggest that quantum neural computing, or the second attention, is impaired in autism. When nonautistic individuals face a dilemma, quantum divergence-coherence a) suspends the legitimacy of relevant prototypical knowledge conserved through classical neural computing, or the first attention; b) launches the implicit self into opposite directions; and c) simulates the consequences of clashing variants in the working memory fed by cerebellar microcomplexes. Conversely, quantum convergence-decoherence selects a useful or amusing variant to reduce the consequences of blind trial-and-error in readjusting the knowledge stored in the long-term memory banks of the cerebral cortex. In this article, a view of the psychological roots of quantum coherence-decoherence, injuries detected in autopsied brains of infants and adults with autism, and the application of modern control theory to cerebellar-brainstem microcomplexes lead to a preliminary heuristics on the complementarity of classical and quantum computing in the nonautistic brain.
KEY WORDS: Heuristic view, neurobiological correlates, quantum neural computing, autism
Cassella, A. (2014c). Psychological roots of social and linguistic deficiencies in autism and the distinction between classical and quantum neural computing. In The comprehensive guide to autism, edited by Patel V. B., Preedy V. R., & Martin, C. R., p. 1219-1242. New York: Springer. DOI
Verbal autistics may master semantics and syntax but remain blind to pragmatics. They may surpass normal 4-year-olds in neuropsychological tests that require the capacity to link two representations, yet they will trail behind normal 4-month-olds in tests that measure the ability to shift one’s attention. The uneven performance of autistics advocates for three hypotheses (Logos, or Λ): (1) classical neural computing (sequence, or the first attention), which embraces order and rejects chaos, is spared in ASD; (2) autistics’ blindness to the mental states of others owes to their impaired quantum neural computing (simultaneity, or the second attention), which embraces order and chaos simultaneously; and (3) in nonautistic individuals, classical and quantum neural computing may collaborate to adopt new schemata, create spontaneous dialogues, and manage social encounters. Logos may enrich an understanding of the psychological roots of language deficiencies in autism and educational practices that will convey to autistic individuals the freedom to communicate flexibly.
KEY WORDS: Cognitive capacity, Virtual object, Neural computing, Pretend play, Autistic individual
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Cassella, A. (2014d). Neurobiological correlates of classical and quantum information processing from the perspective of autism. In The comprehensive guide to autism, edited by V. B. Patel, V. R. Preedy, and C. R. Martin, p. 865-890. New Yok: Springer. DOI
The odd performance of autistic individuals in neuropsychological tests and anomalies in their discourse suggest that when nonautistic individuals face a problem, their minds enter quantum coherence: The legitimacy of involved prototypical schemata – guarded by classical neural computing, sequence, or the first attention – is suspended by quantum neural computing, simultaneity, or the second attention; and the consequences of conflicting variants of the schemata on hold are simulated in cerebellar microcomplexes. Within quantum decoherence: The second attention discerns a promising variant (learning); and the first attention will validate the new schema and shield it (memory) against illegitimate change if unfit mistakes are eradicated or amusing mistakes are introduced. In this chapter, psychological aspects of the quantum jump from coherence to decoherence (which autistics cannot follow), damage observed in autopsied brains of autistic subjects, and tertiary research on the cerebellum lead to heuristics on the neurobiological correlates of classical and quantum neural computing.
KEY WORDS: Purkinje Cell, Inverse Model, Virtual Object, Cerebellar Nucleus, Neural Computing.
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CASSELLA, A. (2016d). The psychological roots of creativity in messages left by Leonardo da Vinci, Giorgio Vasari, and a Neanderthal troglodyte. Journal of Arts and Humanities, 5(9), 12-28. DOI
The perfect memory that informs our local autistic facet is insufficient to deal with the unforeseen change that challenges our nonlocal artistic facet. The loss of quantum nonlocality leads autistics to fail tests rooted in overcoming the less-than-perfect ambiguity that elicits our creativity. The psychological structure by which perfect memory and less-than-perfect creativity empower each other remains in darkness. This article broaches the hypothesis that Leonardo da Vinci envisioned the union of local perfection and nonlocal less-than-perfection, and that he hid his insight in the Adoration of the Magi. Leonardo’s knowledge-expressed here as the logos heuristic—guides a psychological interpretation of the smile of Mona Lisa; of the four avatars of the Vitruvian Man; of the recognition and location of Leonardo’s unknown painting Natività; of the exact location of his lost work, Battaglia di Anghiari; and of a 39,000-year-old abstract engraving in Gorham’s cave at Gibraltar. Logos can be used to single out local, nonlocal computing, and their alliance in pursuing a humanistic path to progress.
Key Words: Battaglia di Anghiari, Creativity, Gorham’s Cave, Leonardo da Vinci, local-non-local superposition, theory-of-everything, Natività
Corrigendum: Cassella (2017c) has readjusted the location of the center of Leonardo's Fight for the Standard, in the Hall of the 500 at Florence's Palazzo Vecchio, at 7.035 meters under the center of Giorgio Vasari's Battaglia di Marciano.
CASSELLA, A. (2017b). Re-directing climate change and terrorism by allying classical with quantum neural computing. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 5(9),94-115. DOI (English, Spanish, and Italian available in Cassella 2018j)
Before the turn of the 21st century, terrorism and climate change may cause the breakdown of civilization. The cause of this advancing upheaval is the disparity between scientific ascent and social descent. This paper explores the social values hidden in sacred texts and artistic masterpieces through a view of an impaired capacity for renewing familiar reality in Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), as well as an impaired ability to preserve shared beliefs in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders (SSD). The author posits that we will overcome climate change and terrorism if we join our capacity for renovating and preserving shared knowledge to a humanistic use of science and technology.
Key Words: Autism, classical computing, quantum computing, social intelligence, global warming, terrorism
CASSELLA, A. (2017c). Freeing Leonardo da Vinci’s "Fight-for-the-Standard" in the Hall of the Five Hundred at Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 5(10), 01-16. DOI (English, Spanish, and Italian available in Cassella 2018j)
In June 2017, the author wrote an article in the International Journal of Social Science Studies in which he hypothesized that the Hall of the Five Hundred at Florence’s Palazzo Vecchio has been protecting the central piece of Leonardo da Vinci’s mural Battle of Anghiari: The Fight for the Standard (La lotta per lo stendardo) under Giorgio Vasari’s painting Battle of Marciano for 512 years now. On the evening of August 10, 2017, the author read a veiled message left by Vasari: The vertical line that passes through the center of the Battle of Marciano also passes through the center of the Fight for the Standard. On the evening of August 15, the author read a second secret message left by Vasari: The bottom of Leonardo’s Battle of Anghiari aligns with the floor of the Hall of the Five Hundred. Beyond previous hypotheses, the author envisions here that, after drilling a 1/2-inch hole at 0.915 meters from the floor, on the vertical line that leaves the virtual larynx of the screaming supine soldier in the Battle of Marciano, a laparoscope will point at the virtual larynx of the yelling prostrate soldier in the Fight for the Standard. Our wild assault against the wild and against humanistic intelligence is unsustainable. From a humanistic standpoint, the quantum-computing search to see again the classical-computing conflict attached to the Fight for the Standard will lead to a global Renaissance: The union of ancient knowledge about social values with modern scientific and technological skills will dispel global warming and fundamentalist-driven terrorism, while freeing our descendants to explore the cosmos in the next 7000 years.
Keywords: Classical computing, quantum computing, social values, Humanism, Renaissance
CASSELLA, A. (2018a). A psychological view of complex numbers through classical and quantum computing. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 6(1), 66-81. DOI
This article explores a psychological view of zero and complex numbers under the embrace of classical with quantum computing. At first, the author broaches classical computing, after-the-fact learning, and the perfect finiteness of the first attention spared in high-functioning autistics. Secondly, he deals with quantum computing, before-the-fact learning, and the less-than-perfect infinity of the second attention impaired in the autistic spectrum before the age of three years. The author emphasizes that quantum computing in the second step agrees with quantum coherence, the angle Greek Pi in radians, Euler’s Identity (ei + 1 = 0), and the exploration of schizophrenic interpretations with a probability of existence equivalent to algebraic zero. Thirdly, this article shows that the alliance of classical with quantum computing, or of the first with the second attention, allows the atoned self to reach transcendental zero, quantum decoherence, and a renovated home in the arms of the Third Attention. In turn, the renewal brought by the Third Attention can be linked to the angle twice Greek Pi (, or Tau), the “Tau” Identity (ei -1 = 0), the union of real with imaginary numbers in complex numbers, and the proposition by Pythagoras that “all is number.”
Keywords: Algebraic zero, autism, classical computing, complex numbers, finiteness, infinity, quantum computing, schizophrenia, transcendental zero
CASSELLA, A. (2018b). Exploring the social link between cerebral and cerebellar neural ensembles through a falsifiable psychological heuristics. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 6(2), 69-93. DOI
This article employs the logos psychological heuristics in proposing that the organization of the universe, subatomic ensembles, and the humane brain sustains the journey of the Mesoamerican demigod Quetzalcoatl: In the quantum hyperspace that the second attention hides in our 5000 cerebellar microcomplexes, A) quantum coherence helps the going “coatl-quetzal” join the legitimacy of the autistic “coatl-serpent,” guarded by the first attention in the classical spacetime of about 2 000 000 cortical columns, to the illegitimacy of the schizophrenic “quetzal-bird” lodged in the cerebellar cortex, and B) quantum decoherence helps “quetzal-coatl” return from schizophrenia to autism with a new piece of knowledge. The social link that harmonizes the first with the second attention, spacetime with hyperspace, and classical with quantum computing makes the return of Quetzalcoatl and the Third Attention. In cerebellar microcomplexes, the Third Attention ties: the certainty conveyed by mossy fibers from the cerebrum to doubt in the long-term potentiation spread by parallel fibers; the coherence-divergence of long-term potentiation, to the decoherence-convergence of long-term depression in the Purkinje cells that grasp a pun; and the excitement of chosen Purkinje cells in nonlocal hyperspace, to the inhibition of the deep nuclei that induce laughing in local spacetime.
Keywords: autism, classical computing, cortical columns, locality, nonlocality, quantum computing, cerebellar microcomplexes, cerebellar long-term potentiation, schizophrenia, cerebellar long-term depression, humor, progress
CASSELLA, A. (2018i). Exploring the Sphinx and the Great Pyramid through the logos heuristics. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 6(9), 11-30. DOI
The author describes a triangulation in ancient Egypt: the crossing of a 22.5-mile (diameter) northern circle with an 18-mile southern circle around a shared baseline, which goes eastward 14.1 miles from the vertex of Khafre’s Pyramid in Giza. He hypothesizes that in the 26th century before the Common Era, Pharaoh Khufu (Khafre’s father) leaned on that triangulation to freeze in stone a master plan, in which the first step was replacing with hope the fear of Egyptians for the monumental catlike goddess that preceded by 65 centuries Giza’s Sphinx. Khufu re-sculpted the head of the eastward-looking lioness into the head of the Pharaoh-Guardian of Upper and Lower Egypt. In so doing, the subluminal speed of the first attention, memory-brotherhood in classical computing, and the Sphinx’s head joined the superluminal speed of the second attention, hope-creativity in quantum computing, and its body. The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid that followed its transfiguration point at the union of the first and the second attention into the Third Attention. As a reflection of Khufu’s master plan and the Third Attention, the logos heuristics connects here Egyptian monuments with the roots of nature, the complex plane, global cooling, autism, madness, open discourse, brainwaves, mysticism, music, Leonardo’s art, meditation, the return of the Mesoamerican demigod Quetzalcoatl, motherly love, and progress.
Keywords: Sphinx, Great Pyramid, nature’s nature, brotherhood, hope, progress
CASSELLA, A. (2019a). The meaning of the Ark of the Covenant through the logos heuristic. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 7(2), 53-70.
By placing the Ark of the Covenant in the first Jewish Temple in the 10thcentury before the Common Era (BCE), King Solomon relieved Levite priests from carrying the Ark. Three centuries later, King Josiah of Judah asked the Levites to return that container to the Temple, implying that it was no longer there. The gold-plated Ark enclosed more than an unvarying law in the Decalogue and the ‘obedience’ of classical-computing attached to the crystal Thummim sewed by Moses into the Ephod worn by Aaron, the first high priest. Moses also placed in his brother’s vest the crystal Urim, or flexible variations ‘between obedience and disobedience’, in the quantum-computing epitomized by the ‘tree-of-the-knowledge-of-good-and-evil’ (Genesis 2). Together, the Thummim and Urim crystals embody the Wisdom ascribed to nature’s Nature and the ‘Tree-of-Life’. Solomon shared this Wisdom with the visiting Queen of Sheba. Although the Ark may have never followed the return of that queen into Ethiopia, her mariners could have shared Solomon’s Wisdom with Greek, Hindu, Chinese, and Olmec sages. This hypothesis addresses the simultaneous rise in the 6thcentury BCE of the Logos posited by Heraclitus in Greek-Ionia; Dharma in Hinduism; the meaning ‘thus-gone and-come’ in the name “Tathāgatha” of the Buddha; Social Intelligence in the mythical meeting of Laozi with Kong-Fuzi in China; and, among the Mesoamerican Olmecs, of the legend about the bird-serpent that the Aztecs called later “Quetzal-coatl.” The classical-quantum power of the ‘thus-gone-and-come’ Quetzalcoatl to save humans and nonhuman species from obliteration matches the will of readers eager to catch the esoteric meaning of the vanished Ark.
CASSELLA, A. (2019b). Joining General Relativity to Particle physics through Complex Numbers and Autism. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 7(4), 33-56. DOI
The cognitive impairment of autistics and the Tau Identity in the plane of complex numbers suggest that if the accelerating expansion of our universe and the anti-universe succeeded a coasting expansion 8.8 billion years after the Big Bang, an accelerating contraction will start in 3.8 billion years. Mirroring the expansion phase, a coasting contraction of the two universes will come up in 12.6 billion years. The end of the fourth section of 8.8 billion years will host two Big Crunches, two White Holes, and a new Big Bounce. The z-plane and autism can also help us a) solve the “cosmological constant problem”; b) join general relativity to particle physics; c) cross science with the arts and religion; d) retain the search for truth, beauty, and goodness by our descendants; and e) seize the message of progress hidden in the Ark of the Covenant, the Great Pyramid, and Giza’s Sphinx: Any selfish brain hides a selfless heart.
Corrigendum: Cassella reasoned in 2021 that both the universe and the anti-universe have to turn counter-clockwise. In the end, matter and anti-matter cannot meet each other in visible reality.
CASSELLA, A. (2019c). Gaging the Neural Path of the Universal Grammar by the Logos Heuristics. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 7(6), 85-108 DOI
The logos heuristics (“Λ”) derived from the fix of autistics—e.g., the strain to tap infinity—can help us gage the Universal Grammar that Charles Sanders Peirce implied in his “Semeiotics” since 1868. Knowledge of that Grammar equates the return of “Quetzal-coatl” in Mesoamerican legends. If that “bird-serpent/sky-land” returned with the Common Sense in Peirce’s “Pragmaticism,” social science would befit the 3rd Attention behind Dharma. In Dharma, the 2nd restores the 1st attention: infinity, finiteness; quantum, classical computing; doubt, certainty; hyperspace, spacetime; flail,crook; yin, yang; mother, father; water, stones; moon, sun; urim, thummim; nagual, tonal; Shiva, Vishnu; novelty, sameness; mindfullness, focused attention; learning, memory; fantasy, reality; unknown, known; simultaneity, sequence; lying, candor; patience, anger; fluidity, bluntness; less-than-perfection, perfection; witch, muggle; imaginary, real numbers; wine, bread; jury, law; flexibility, rigidity; hope, faith; arch, column; bow, arrow; quantum physics, gravity; and pragmatics in cerebellar microcomplexes, grammar in the neocortex. If the return of Common Sense distanced us from the desire to overwin and replace other species, our young will regain the Earth that hosted saber-toothed cats.
UniversalGrammar (pdf)
DownloadCASSELLA, A. (2022a). A Cognitive View of the Cosmos and the Universal Grammar. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 10(3), 91-110
This article shows that nature’s nature, the cosmos, and the universal grammar behind all languages agree with the ironic “semeiotic” of the American Charles Sanders Peirce (“/pɜːrs/” IPA). He stressed (Peirce, 1868) the crossing of classical (“yes against no”) with quantum (“yes and no”) computing in two propositions: “There is no griffin” and “A griffin is a winged quadruped.” His logic, confused with American Pragmatism, lies unused. Yet global warming and the massive death of children without proper food and water before the turn of this century can be eluded by seizing Peirce’s “science of irony,” two lost artworks by Leonardo da Vinci, autism, folly, and the circle of complex numbers (“Z”) that enlightens two universes in which matter counters anti-matter. The cosmos, led by infinity in dark energy and zero in dark matter, echoes the union of enemies, freedom after slavery, shame after sinning, and forgiveness for justice.
The Cosmos and Dark Energy-Matter (pdf)
DownloadCASSELLA, A. (2022b). The Alliance of Doubt with Certainty. International Journal of Social Science Studies, 10(5), 30-32
Hitler assaulted the USSR in June 1941. The Russian resistance in Stalingrad/Volgograd, Moscow, and Leningrad/Saint-Petersburg, together with the American factories of vehicles and ammunitions, won WW2. The West forgot the heroism of Russians when refusing to approve about thirty years ago a Marshall-like Plan to redistribute the assets of the communist state, thus firming the hand of the Oligarchs who bought major properties in Russia with few and cheap legal pieces of paper. America and Europe forgot then that the Soviets had half the deaths of WW2, with 40% Ukrainians. Today we all forget that Russia and Ukraine can help us avoid now WW3 and a possible avalanche of global warming, an action more vital than the war between two Slav nations coined in the Rus’ of Kiev 1000 years ago.
The war Russia-Ukraine (pdf)
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